Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy national day to you happy national day to yooo happy national day dear Switzerland....

I'm off to celebrate the Swiss National Day with much eating, drinking and dancing.
I may also celebrate my birthday while I'm out there.
Back on Monday - I may have a headache tho'
Have a good weekend (I'm still hoping for the GHD flatiron)


kyknoord said...

Have a good time. I hope to read about it in the papers on Monday.

Tamara said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (And happy national day to Switzerland or whatever)Hope it's super fantabulous!

Charmskool said...

Thanks Kyknoord and NO there will be no mention of my antics in the press - I follow the government dictum here and pay bribes where they are needed.
Tamara, thank you for the birthday wishes - I'm pretty sure the Swiss would say thank you too - they are very polite that way - we both had our parties at the Italian Club - not in the same function room tho'. The Swiss definitely behaved better.

K.M. said...

Happy birthday dude!!
So, did you get anything that was on your wish list?

Charmskool said...

DBAWIW thanks for the birthday wishes - didn't get a single thing on the wish list and I was really hoping for the fortnight in Japan. However, the haul was good and I think if this day ever slows down long enough I'll list it all.

K.M. said...

Oh good, I'm glad you got some good shtuff!

Though yes, what kind of schnorrers are your family and friends that they didn't buy you an all-expenses paid trip to Japan?!?!

Charmskool said...

Prezackly DBAWIW! I had already packed - that didn't take long - just took my empty suitcase and put in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and sturdy shoes - need space for all the shopping. But then again, I didn't get the platinum card with all the credit on it either so... Ho hum back to being an ordinary mortal again.