Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ok that's it - you asked for it - go blame Don't Believe a Word I Write

I am so bored my hair is falling out for want of desire to live! So following a challenge from Don't Believe a Word I Write (click on the blog roll and read her - she's fantabulistic) to reduce her boredom here are a bunch of lists - no one ever tags me to do any of those dreaded memes thank goodness but this is for your total entertainment or boredom - whatever!
First List:
10 Things I would rather be doing right now
1. Drinking coffee with Bonni my fave rave cousin in Jozie - at any place she chooses and doing nothing but watching the world go by.
2. Sitting at a pavement cafe anywhere in Rome doing the same with the same person.
3. Lying on the beach (Queens Beach) in summer
4. Reading Spud the Madness Continues by John Van Der Ruit and eating pretzels.
5. Drinking red wine and lazing around at Brazza with my friend La Lue for the entire afternoon and evening - eating whatever she picks - she's got impeccable food smarts.
6. Trying on shoes - anywhere, any place, any time.
7. Testing perfume and buying every single one I like (ok this assumes that I have suddenly become immensely wealthy by some quirk of fate).
8. Sitting around drinking anything and chatting to Kyknoord - no time constraints for this one - he is just so much fun and the cleverest person on the planet!
9. Trawling around the shops in Harajuku or anywhere else in Tokyo or Osaka or even Sapporo with Betenoir my perfectly wonderful daughter.
10. Snoozing in the perfect sunbeam I know is falling exactly right on my comfy sofa in my lounge right this minute.
Ok so that's one list done.
7 Quirky things I haven't yet told you about myself
Hmmm this one is less easy - I am not all that quirky mwhahahahaha
1. I am obsessive about "stuff" and need everything to be exactly where I put it and all lined up, but I have the untidiest desk and I have a cupboard in my flat which I regularly throw into total disorder to find stuff and then slam the door on all that mess as if it wasn't there at all.
2. I often don't answer the telephone because I hate it so much.
3. I buy groceries that I don't use because I panic if my food cupboard is empty - then I sit and admire the full shelves and feel calm for a bit.
4. I adore being a mum but would hate to have more than one child.
5. I lived in a house that had a ghost and he used to keep me company when my ex left me alone with the baby and went to the pub. The ghost and I watched tv together. The ghost still lives there - my brother lives in the same house and I occasionally catch a glimpse of him (the ghost silly, not my brother).
6. I have conversations with all sorts of people I have never met in real life - in my head - not out loud I'm not crazy you know.
7. I love making my friend Principessa laugh. She has a tendency to be very serious and grown-up at times and I love seeing her collapse in a heap of giggles when I demonstrate some of my less dignified behaviours for her.
and here's a bonus:
8. I hardly ever swear in public but often swear at the newsreaders on tv and talk radio and such when they misuse, mispronounce or just mangle the english language.
and my favourite one is the extra performance bonus you have all earned for being such good readers:
9. My nickname in my last year in high school was given to me by our English teacher (she worked part-time at our school and lectured at UCT the rest of the time) - I was called the "Premier Grammarian". I am inordinately proud of that one. Ok I'll admit my one and only fault (mwahaha) I am incredibly pedantic at times.
Here's another list - bear with me it's really short
Stuff on the back seat of my car
One copy of an out of date Big Issue.
That's all - I told you I was obsessively neat - the map book is in the pocket at the back of the passenger seat and all the other stuff is neatly packed in the glove box/cubbyhole. I hide all my cd's - thanks Bete baby for all the lovely compilations - I love Indie music - in the special drawers under the seats.
Tuttie bye all you little diddy people that's all for today.


kyknoord said...

You keep your special drawers under the car seat? Wow. I though I was kinky.

Charmskool said...

That is drawers that are for storage Kyk dahleeng, not knickers. In South Africa apparently they are spelled draws. I do however think it is a good plan to carry spare knickers in one's handbag in the event one is planning an "impromptu" sleepover - and my knickers and rather teensy and can easily fit in my handbag without any too embarassing moments happening.

Peas on Toast said...

Stuff on the back seat of my car
One copy of an out of date Big Issue.

Dude, did you steal my car?

June 2006, right?

Charmskool said...

Peas, yep, and if you're looking for your red Zoom stilettos - guess who has them. You better watch your fluffy rug carefully girl.

boldly benny said...

ha ha, you have one cupboard that's a disaster while the rest of your house is precisely clean - you're like Monica from Friends! So am I, my sisters often call me Monica but certain areas of my life are chaotic - like my desk!

Charmskool said...

Boldly Benny - you have no idea how long I've had this problem. My mom tells me I was obsessively neat when I was a little kid and then suddenly started having this incredibly untidy cupboard. Every now and then I take a day off and tidy it but then I get stressed from having to be perfect mwhahahaha.

K.M. said...

Charmskool, that was utterly MARVELLOUS!!!!!
You kept me entertained and completely un-bored for a number of minutes (ok, I deliberately read slowly)

So fantastic fact about yourself there. What's the ghost like? Did you ever converse? Are ghosts chatty?

I don't keep a spare pair o' undies in my bag, but if I did, I would ensure that they were of the massive, granny-broekie variety. Pretty funny!! hahaahah


Charmskool said...

DBAWIW grannie drawers mwhahaha why am I not surprised. As for ghosts being chatty - not in my experience. My ghost was just sort of shadowy and rather good company. He kinda plonked down in the other armchair and let me talk - like my ex, only sober. He lived in the spare room and only seemed to like Saturday night tv. He's moved into the unused maid's room now because when we renovated the house the spare room became a dressing room and there was no longer room for a bed for him. If you go into the maid's room then you knock first or he gets a fright and makes a draught when he wooshes into the air from shock.

Sweets said...

ghosts?! as much as i would like to know one, i have a tendency to run away screaming when i see dead people...i would never sleep!

nice lists :)

Charmskool said...

Yuck I don't much like dead people lying around my house either Sweets. But this particular ghost had been dead for a long time, I think. He wasn't all that scary- looking - just kind of shadowy and he had a good vibe. I don't much think I'd sleep if I had an evil, demonic-type ghost living with me. I reckon I'd call in the ghostbusters and not stay in the house till I saw them hauling that ectoplasm out my house in a black bag or whatever it is they do with evil demons tee hee.

K.M. said...

Like your ex, only sober.


I hope your brother is a fan of the other worldly.

Charmskool said...

DBAWIW I think my brother is a lot like my ex - only more sociable - so he's probably poured Mr Ghost a glass of red wine and settled down for a good chat. My brother makes me look quite shy and quiet when it comes to the talking stakes.

AngelConradie said...

lists lists lists!
now why don't you like memes?

Charmskool said...

Angel it's not that I don't like memes when other people do them but I worry that if someone tagged me I would feel like I have homework to do and I hate homework because of all the studying my job entails - so I was still doing homework till April this year. I'm now fully qualified for ever unless the authorities move the goalposts again, which is what they have done in the past - hence the never-ending studying.